

818 Uppsatser om Arts and Architecture - Sida 1 av 55

NOVA : Funderingar kring ett shoppingcenter med utgångspunkt i fenomenologin

This thesis deals with a Swedish shopping centre, NOVA, from a phenomenological point of view. Starting in my own experience of the architecture I discuss issues such as gender, consumerism and the image of the ideal society, the Heterotopia, as they appear to me in my studies of the building.Divided into three different themes I then discuss the aspects I?ve found through my meeting with the architecture in comparison to a number of texts on the subject.My phenomenological analysis, combined with earlier research, presents to me a number of aspects more evident than others, as I do my own interpretation of the building and its architecture..

Fortlevnaden av det klassiska arvet i Köpenhamns maktrelaterade arkitektur

En undersökning av användandet av klassicerande arkitektur i Köpenhamns maktrelaterade arkitektur i stadens offentliga, urbana rum..

När visionen mötte verkligheten : en undersökning om hur arkitektur kan styra människors rörelser på studentbostadsområdet Vildanden

The essay treats how an architect can direct motions of humans with architecture. This is made through an investigation of how the architect Bengt Edman has treated accessibility and motions when creating the student housing complex Vildanden and how it has affected the motions of humans within the area. To visualize how Vildanden relates to the rest of Lund I have made a comparative study with the city planning ideals that prevailed in the period when the area was built.The essay is based on the author's own observations through a phenomenological perspective and a field study including observations and a literature study..

Lunds Stadshall : en arkitekturanalys ur ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv

Inspirerad av den metod Åsa Dahlin använder för arkitekturanalys i "On Architecture, Aesthetic Experience and the Embodied Mind, Seven Essays" vill jag i min uppsats försöka mig på en analys av Lunds Stadshall, ritad av Klas Anshelm.Jag vill studera arkitekturen delvis ur det fenomenologiska perspektiv Maurice Merleau-Ponty presenterar i sin bok "Kroppens Fenomenologi" och lägga tyngdpunkten på själva upplevelsen av byggnaden snarare än den rent visuella aspekten av den.Jag söker även finna svar på hur modernismen i stort och Klas Anshelm specifikt förhåller sig till de fenomenologiska tankegångarna..

Kritikens plats på Dagens Nyheters kultursidor 1997 och 2007

This study examines the state of criticism in the arts section of Sweden?s largest newspaper Dagens Nyheter. The study stems from raised concerns about the failing position of arts criticism, dubbed ?the crisis of criticism?. Through an overview it compares the arts section of February 1997 to the arts section of 2007.

Ystad Sandskog : En socialhistorisk analys av den privata rekreationsarkitekturens utveckling, mellan 1850 och 1940

This thesis is a case study that analyses the seaside resort Ystad Sandskog and its private architecture between 1850 and 1940. The multitude is evident in the area's architecture. The architectural development is analysed with the use of a social historical perspective, including class and hegemony. Regional as well as national affective factors are used in the analysis. Aside from the social aspects, architectural ideological developments, general development of the seaside resort and the area's committee with its prescriptions are all factors considered.By dividing the development in four different chronological phases, which all represents a certain architectural expression exemplified by a selection of buildings and the social class that it accompanies, a culmination in the architectural structural development of Sandskogen is shown.

Byggnadsminnesmärkning eller varför är det så ont om Q?

This thesis deals with our heritage and the care of old buildings. In order to limit this vast area a specific attention has been brought upon the process of giving buildings a certain level of protection and after decision having it taken away, instead of giving a stronger protection level.Further limitation has been done through the choice of four buildings in Lund, within Lund University campus. These buildings all lost this certain level of protection. The participants in these kinds of cases have a level of power, what argumentation did they use?The methods being used are discourse analysis, phenomenology and the daily methods of the building care field..

Art in Healthcare A study of the Art in Diagnostic Center (DC) University Hospital in Malmö.

The role of Art in Healthcare and its requirements through a study of Diagnostic Center (DC), a Hospital with Art and Architecture integrated.Issues: Who selected Art for DC and on what foundations? How are Art and Architecture integrated, and what is the established knowledge of Art in Healthcare?Studies of reference material, theses, research articles and interviews. Hermeneutic and discourse analyses were used.Theorists: Barthes, Bourdieu, Foucault, Arnheim, Sjögren, Rasmussen.Results: A regional group selected local Art, mainly nonfigurative, and integrated it early in the architectural process. A stimulating non-traditional hospital environment with a modern design and two artists created work specifically for the environment.Art affects our Health and Caring Sciences is a scientific field that is studying how art affects patients and staff. It is relatively new but it is growing into a vast field of research, learning more about Art's effect on Health..

Hur påverkar de nya energihushållningskraven byggprocessen i framtiden?

Mycket har hänt i Sverige sedan de första vattenkraftverken bildades i början på 1900-talet. När vi nu gått varvet runt gällande energiformer finner man att vattenkraften är den enda energiformen som består. Olja är en icke-förnybar energikälla och bidrar till miljöförstörelse, kärnkraft är ren men farlig och samhällskänslig energiform som är under avveckling i Sverige. Sverige är långt framme i energitänkande, och när nu tillgången på ?svensk? energi blir mindre i och med avveckling och priser som ökar när de marknadsanpassas med övriga Europa, måste vi som bor i Sverige minska energikonsumtionen..

En anda av oberoende - Hollywoods independentindustri

An investigation into the industrial and economic conditions concerning the production, distribution and showing of what the contemporary hegemonic entertainment industry labels independent film..

Rådhuset i Lund : Varför står rådhuset kvar - trots fullmäktiges beslut om rivning den 29 april 1955?

Den 29 april 1955 beslutade stadsfullmäktige i Lund om rivning av rådhuset vid Stortorget. Beslutet hade föregåtts av en debatt om rivning kontra bevarande som berörde både hög och låg bland stadens invånare. Engagemanget var stort. Jag har i den här uppsatsen försökt att skildra debatten, kulturklimatet vid tiden och orsaken till att rådhuset faktiskt fortfarande står kvar år 2006. Det handlar till stor del om vem som tyckte vad i debatten, och vilken betydelse det fick för slutresultatet..

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